With much encouragement from my dear friend Kathrine, I finally entered the Pennsic A&S display this past year at Pennsic! Many people were shocked to know that I had never entered. The truth is this was my first Pennsic not being Baroness in about five years — so there was really never the time for me to sit in one spot for a solid five hour time frame. I was glad she encouraged me to do so. She wanted so much for us to sit next to one another and in the end that didn’t work out — but we both still had a lot of fun.
The barn where they hold the display was crazy hot that day. I had to bring a cooler for the cheese so that it wouldn’t go bad quickly and I carefully doled out sparing portions into the dishes as they needed to be refilled. I had many wonderful remarks and a few gentles who even pulled up chairs to ‘talk cheese’. There were even invitations to camps to come cook or have additional conversations about making cheese. I never realized how many people made cheese in the Known World! Great group of people for sure.
It was a great time and I look forward to sitting with my friends again next year!
My documentation is the same as what was entered at Kingdom A&S 2016. It can be read here.